Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Welcome to our Shaw Showcase!  I'm going to try this Blog thing out in an attempt to showcase some of our life up here in New England.  Not everyone is on Facebook so hopefully this will be a way to connect with family and friends that are interested in what we're up to - up here.  Forgive me if it is a little messy at the beginning.  I have no idea what I'm doing so I have to muddle my way through all of this.  

Showcase #1 - - Fiona had her ice show this past Saturday.  I'm going to attempt to download her video to the Blog so you can see her in action.  She's taken ice skating lessons for six months and has done really well.  We're super proud of her!   OK, so the video posting didn't work....I think it is too "big" and I don't know how to "shrink" it.  So, here are a couple of pictures of her on the day of....

Just before getting in the car for her 1st ice show.  Isn't she adorable??!!
Thanks to Nikki for making the outfit fit!  You are a life saver!!!  So thankful I didn't need to use the stapler!

Her little solo part.

Post-Show with her Proud Papa!

Fiona's other biggest fans!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the blog! You will be so thankful you did it! I added you to my "friends" on my sidebar!
